US visa appointments Availability Data - May 2022

About us

CheckVisaSlots - Check US visa appointments availability is a collaborative platform for Indians to check the US visa slot availability of the US Consulates in India.

Since its launch, in September 2022, the platform has served over 50 million user requests (till Jun-2022). Do you know

  • We are 45,000+ users strong
  • 2500+ daily users contribute screenshots & check the availability of the slots
  • A new screenshot comes in every 5 seconds (12.7 images/minute)
  • The platform peaked serving 313,000+ requests in a day

Data Distribution


Occasional users are asking to show trends. Although there are some stats presented on we thought it would be a good idea to put that data out there so anyone can play and bring more insights.


There is a ton of talent with creative and explorative minds, so we wanted to give them a chance to showcase their skills by playing with the data they are familiar with. If you are a data enthusiastic and want to demystify the most common perception out on the internet that the visa slots will be opened on particular days and times, we have released the most accurate of May - 2022.

Some ideas of exploration through (infographics/graphs)
  • Check if there is a trend in the slot availabilities
  • Which consulates open the most
  • Is there an order in which the slots open across different visa types
  • What is the common time most users check for slots

Data Usage Policy

You are free to use the data for non-commercial purposes. All we expect is a little space in your publication (blog/infographics/) with a one liner “Credit: The data was supplied by”.

Data Dictionary

Key Type Explanation
already_has_appointment Enum

(‘Yes’, ‘No’)

If the user already has an appointment at the time of checking
appointment_times List List of all available appointment time slots on a particular day. Time slots are available only for the first day of the day of all available dates
slot_dates List List of all available dates that were shown when the user logged into the CGI portal
createdon Date-Time Time at which the user has seen the info
visa_type String Visa Type of the user
slot_location String Location as seen on CGI portal
available_slots Int Total number of dates that are available at that time of user visited the CGI portal
user_id Int A unique ID of an user

Download Data

May 2022 CSV/JSON Data
Jun 2022 CSV/JSON Data
Jul 2022 CSV/JSON Data
Aug 2022 CSV/JSON Data

Contact Information

For any other queries or information needed please email