Thank you for being a premium member. You can change the preferred slot window (maximum 6-month period) anytime using this interface. If you see any discrepancy in your subscription details, please contact
Your Rank | Your Contributions | Last Contributed at |
Please Read: As agents are impersonating as visa applicants, Contributions for the email ranking MUST come from your registered CGI Email ID.
Rank: 0 indicates you did not contribute any images in the last 24 hours. For the system, Zero contribution is an indication that the user already booked the slot and won't send email alert.
Below table shows recent 10 alerts sent to the subscribers of same visa & appointment type as yours. It also shows the reason if the alert is not send to you.
# | Email Alert Sent at | Location | #Available Slot-Dates |
Alerted Users# |
Sent to Me | Reason | Alert Message |
Report the incorrect email alerts through the report button in the email
As long as a user registers as a Dropbox applicant on checkvisaslots but checks for Regular appointment on the CGI portal, False alarms cannot be eliminated completely. We are trying all possible ways to reduce them. Your feedback about the slot info is very crucial to weed out a bad contributor.
Chrome Extension ALWAYS has the latest info
In between the time an email alert is sent and you go to the CGI (slot booking) portal, if any user opened the CGI and found there is no slot, then that latest information (zero slots) is shown on the chrome extension automatically when you go to the CGI on the laptop.