Welcome to CheckVisaSlots Website
Checkvisaslots.com is a collaborative platform to share the US visa appointments availability in India. The screenshot sharing platform helps to check the availability of US visa appointments more often, without logging in to the CGI portal
Checking US visa appointment availability has been a hurdle to at least 650K million users in India, every year, for multiple reasons
To overcome all these hurdles and prevent being locked out by the US visa appointment booking portal, a community of the US visa applicants gather on checkvisaslots.com to share the appointments availability with the fellow community members. The platform is free for use, could help an active platform contributor checking the visa appointments availability as many as 300+ times a day.
Since our launch in September 2021 (till Aug'2022), the platform has served over 46+ million users requests. Do you know
While, the website, mobile app, browser extensions are FREE for use, the email alert service is provided for a minimal charge to keep the service running.
Hoping this service will be useful to you. Feel to reply to this email for any info needed or queries reach us at support@checkvisaslots.com